Manual Liposuction - this is a manual method of correcting lines, shapes and proportions of the body.
The only non-surgical method for eliminating excess fatty tissue that has no consequences and is superior in quality of results to surgical liposuction.

The method is 100% independent and does not require the use of any auxiliary methods to achieve the desired result (diet, fitness, lipolytic injections).

Local elimination of excess volumes of fatty tissue, correction of body contours, elimination of fibrous fat deposits (fat traps) is carried out in one-time procedures.
The method does not combat obesity, extra pounds and its manifestations, its purpose is solely as follows:

  • correction of the shape and constitution of the figure as a whole in women without excess weight
  • elimination of fat traps
  • deriving new body proportions
  • correction of asymmetry of body parts (if the cause of asymmetry is uneven distribution of fatty tissue)
  • eliminating the cause of the formation of an aesthetic problem, and not in the fight against the consequences
  • elimination of form-forming fatty tissue (fibrofatty deposits) which are very difficult, basically impossible, to cope with using various diets, sports, lipolytics, cryolipolysis, manual and hardware massages

This method is intended for a radical and long-term solution to the above-mentioned aesthetic problems and figure flaws.
Method Essence


Difference from surgical liposuction
"Manual Liposuction" does not leave hematomas, bruises and scars after correction. Only erythema remains - redness caused by the expansion of blood vessels and swelling, which gradually disappears in 5-8 days. During this time, the patient can lead a normal life with the exception of sports, visiting baths, saunas and tanning studios. The technique is also devoid of complications and side effects typical of surgical liposuction.

No need to wear compression garments after the session. The skin does not need to be treated separately after the correction, as is usually the case after surgical liposuction. This is belated financial news for everyone, when the cost of postoperative care sometimes exceeds the cost of the operation itself.

The result is controlled due to the linearity of the process. Therefore, it is always possible to interrupt it at any stage to select the best form.

Smooth surface and smooth body line after treatment. After a single removal of fat with an instrument, scar formations are so dense that ultrasound does not distinguish them from tumors. This does not depend on the talent and experience of the surgeon - liposuction itself (any technique) is rough and is done blindly.

Quality of the skin. Even if it is possible to avoid unevenness with the surgical method, the skin will forever remain unhealthy, flabby, aged. Treatment of this "cellulite" is even more hopeless.
  • obesity (BMI over 30)
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • menstruation and PMS
  • period of hypertensive and hypotensive crises
  • acute febrile conditions
  • acute inflammatory processes
  • high temperature
  • purulent processes of any localization
  • blood diseases
  • various skin diseases
  • varicose veins complicated by thrombosis, thrombophlebitis
  • tuberculosis
  • syphilis
  • mental illnesses with excessive agitation
  • benign and malignant tumors of various localizations (before surgical treatment)
  • oncological diseases of all stages
  • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation
  • osteoporosis 3, 4 stages
The procedure is suitable for all healthy people without excess weight.

The maximum weight should not exceed +10 kg. That is, if your height is 160 cm, then the weight should not exceed 70 kg.

With such a maximum weight, we can start working, but on the condition that the client will simultaneously reduce the weight with PP and training.
To whom is suitable?
When is the result?
How long does the result last?
To achieve visible results, only ONE procedure is required for one surface (one side, breeches ear, stomach, knee, etc.).

The desired effect occurs 1.5-2 months after the manual lipoplasty session. And after that, you decide for yourself whether you need a repeat procedure to enhance the effect.
The result of manual liposuction lasts for many years if the cause of the problem area is constitutional (fibrous) adipose tissue.

If a woman (without excess weight) has protruding "poppy ears", fatty deposits on the inner surfaces of the knees and rounded dense sides, then this is most often hereditary. And it will be very difficult to get rid of it with diets and training.

The reason for this is fibrous fibers, which, like a framework, hold fat cells with a large number of toxins and stagnant lymph. Most often, these are the areas of breeches and inner knees.

Since the structure of the fibrous framework will be changed (after treatment the tissues will become soft and elastic), fat will no longer be localized in the treated areas.
Only one surface of the zone is treated per session. The duration of treatment of one surface is 2.5 - 3 hours (depending on the volume and density of the tissue).

This time is necessary to start the necessary processes in a certain area of ​​the body.

After the procedure, swelling and erythema appear in the treated area - this is an inevitable symptom that the fibro-fatty tissue has undergone changes.
Session duration
Schedule of procedures
Is it harmful?
Parallel zones (sides, breeches, knees, etc.) are done at intervals of 2-3 days. That is, one day the right side, the other day the left.

Repeated sessions on these areas (if necessary) are carried out no earlier than 1.5 - 2 months, when the final result after the first treatments will be visible.
Body shaping by manual liposuction has absolutely no negative consequences for a healthy body (moreover, health only improves), and no disease, if it already existed, progresses.
The method has general contraindications.

The procedure is performed using only hands and massage oil.

By correcting the zones we:
• Cleanse the body of accumulated toxins
• Accelerate metabolic processes in the body
• Improve microcirculation of blood in tissues and lymph flow
Manual liposuction is performed monotonously, on a specific area of ​​the body with good tissue preparation.

When the area is warmed up, the subsequent “deep massage” is as comfortable as possible, or quite tolerable.
Does it hurt?
When can it be repeated?
How many procedures I need?
The number of procedures directly depends on the volume and density of adipose tissue.

If repeated treatments are necessary, the procedures are allowed after complete tissue regeneration, that is, not earlier than after 1.5 - 2 months.
The number of sessions for correction of the shaping tissue directly depends on the volume of fat deposits, their density and the complexity of their configurations.

The required number of procedures is determined individually.


I visually examine problem areas of the body, palpate tissues, examine the condition of veins and skin (there are contraindications). We sign a contract.
I always take "before/after" photos to track the results. I determine the zones that are best to start with so that when the result is achieved, the figure looks harmonious.
I mark the boundaries of the area of ​​the body where the correction will be carried out.

The procedure takes from 2.5 to 3 hours.
It is necessary to wait for the tissue to fully recover. Once the result of the first treatment is achieved, you will be able to decide whether to repeat the procedure. In this way, you control the process of forming your new figure.


DO NOT cool the treatment area or apply ice
DO NOT take a hot or cold bath, sauna or steam room for 7-10 days after treatment, or until the questionable state of health disappears
DO NOT perform heavy physical activity during the first week
DO NOT drink a lot of alcohol in the first 2-3 days after treatment
DO NOT apply any gels/ointments/creams to the swollen area
DO NOT take any medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect during the entire healing period
This will minimize or eliminate the processing result
For 1.5 months after the procedure, you CANNOT do any massages on the treated area
You MUST drink more fluids after treatment and the next day to help with swelling
You NEED to move moderately, don’t lie in bed all day
You CAN take a warm shower or bath