flu, ARVI, acute febrile conditions
purulent processes of any localization
various diseases of the skin, nails, and hair
infections, fungal diseases
malignant tumors
blood diseases, bleeding disorders, and tendency to thrombosis
osteomyelitis, gangrene, trophic ulcers
acute inflammation of blood and lymphatic vessels, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis
severe varicose veins
hypertensive crisis
aneurysm of the aorta and heart
circulatory failure of the third degree
heart valve defects in the stage of decompensation
acute myocardial ischemia
gastrointestinal dysfunction
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
diseases of the abdominal organs with a tendency to bleeding
renal failure
liver failure
venereal diseases
active tuberculosis
mental illnesses with excessive arousal and significant changes in the psyche
alcohol and/or drug intoxication
active phase of the menstrual cycle
the first few days
impact on the skin complicates the healing of damage and causes pain, massage is performed in places remote from the lesion
moles, nevi, warts
menstrual cycle
massage of the abdomen and lower back is not possible
varicose veins
recently applied
for acute and chronic diseases
umbilical hernia
gallstone disease, urolithiasis
contraindication for massage of the abdomen and lumbar region
diseases of the mammary glands
the areas of impact exclude the feet and the area below the knee
osteochondrosis of the spine, herniated discs and the pain caused by them
trophic ulcers
soft massage is allowed in the early stages of the condition
allergic reactions to cosmetics
coconut oil
I use organic coconut oil
grape seed
I use grape seed oil
any other allergic reaction to oil/cream, other cosmetics
it is necessary to notify me in advance before the procedure begins
booking rules
personal data protection
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